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« When did Rick Wright officially become a member of the band again? »

Although he was certainly reinstated as a member of the Floyd beforehand, the official announcement was made at the press conference on 30 November 1993 announcing the forthcoming album and tour. It should be noted that the keyboardist was paid less than his colleagues, due to the financial risks borne mainly by Nick and David, which still amounted to £11,000 per week.

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On the left: the original 1987 booklet. On the right: The 1997 reissue booklet

 QUESTION 002 « Why isn't Rick in the picture on the inside cover of  « A Momentary Lapse of Reason » ? »

Since David and Nick carried the project (also financially) and the band was legally owned by the guitarist or the drummer, they certainly did not want to put the keyboard forward. After the pianist was officially reinstated at the end of 1993, Rick was reinstated in subsequent re-editions of the record. Nevertheless, David made diplomatic excuses at the time for Rick's absence, as the following interview extract shows

Interviewer: «Richard Wright n’est pas sur la pochette du nouveau disque, ni aux interviews, mais il est présent sur scène. Pourquoi ?»

David Gilmour:« La photo a été prise un vendredi. Et Richard avait disparu deux jours plus tôt chez lui, en Grèce. Son absence sur la photo n'est pas non plus tout à fait un hasard, même s'il s'agit, dans ce cas, d'une circonstance fortuite : de toute façon, il n'était pas là à la fin de septembre 86 pour travailler tous les jours avec Nick, Bob et moi sur le nouveau disque. Il ne nous a rejoints que beaucoup plus tard, quelques jours avant Noël. Ensuite, il a collaboré avec nous en janvier et février, et il est venu à Los Angeles pendant une semaine. Aujourd'hui, il ne fait pas encore partie de l'orchestre.

«Le come-back du cochon», Paroles et Musique, November 1987

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 QUESTION 004 « De quand date l’idée de diffuser une bande musicale d’ambiance (« soundscape ») avant le début du concert ? »

L’idée vient du concert-spectacle « Games for May » joué le 12 Mai 1967. L’intention était d’accompagner les spectateurs jusqu’à leur place au sein du Royal Albert Hall. Depuis, à quasiment chaque tournée, une bande sonore d’ambiance fut diffusée. Cette bande fut modifié lors de chaque tournée

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 QUESTION 005 « Pourquoi l’image du groupe n’est-il apparu que sur deux pochettes de disques ? »

Le groupe a toujours voulu éviter d’apparaître sur les couvertures de disque. Les deux exceptions s’expliquent pour les raisons suivante: pour « The Piper at the Gates of Dawn », en dehors du fait qu’ils n’étaient pas en position de force pour négocier cet aspect, ils furent séduits par l’idée du photographe Andrew Whittuck qui voulait essayer cet objectif kadelioscopique reçu en cadeau de la part de George Harrison. Pour « Ummagumma », l’idée d’être représentés étant plus naturel étant donné la présence d’un disque « live ». De plus, l’idée de mise en abîme de Storm permettait de donner une qualité artistique.

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 QUESTION 006 « Where does the word Ummagumma come from ? »

The title derives from a phrase often repeated by David Gilmour's friend Iain "Imo" Moore, who regularly asked the sexually charged question, « Am I gonna ? » His strong mispronunciation turned it into « Umma-gumma », which became a recurring joke of the band.

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 QUESTION 007 « Where did the speech you hear in one of the pre-versions of A great Gig in the Sky come from (in 1972) ? »

This track, still entitled Ecclesiastic at the time, uses bits of speech by religious conservative Malcolm Muggeridge.

Interviewer:«Other features from Dark Side`slive performance are also missing – noticeably the taped finale which uses extracts fromthe Collected Rantings of Malcolm Muggeridge »

David Gilmour: «Yes. Well, you didn`t really expect we`d get his permission, did you ?».

«A walk on the Dark Side», New Musical Express, 19 May 1973.

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 QUESTION 008 « What songs did the band actually play in situ at the Pompeii arena ? »

Echoes, One of these Days and A Saucerful of secrets. See the exclusive interview of Jacques BOUMENDIL for more détails.

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 QUESTION 009 « Are there any professional audio and/or video recordings of the "In the Flesh" tour (in 1977) ? »

It is impossible that there were any professional video recordings (see the page on this subject). On the other hand, the band did record all the shows (they used these tapes to rehearse the following concert as attested - among others - by the March 26, 1977 article in Melody Maker entitled "Welcome to the Machines"). The band also used a number system to identify the different recordings of these concerts. These numbers were shouted by Roger just before the final solo of Pigs (three different ones). 

But this system did not mean that they would have been used to release a live album but rather to hunt for bootleggers (as the band's management confirmed to an Italian journalist in 1986 (see reproduction of the letter on the right).

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 QUESTION 010 « Is it true that band members were sometimes replaced in concert by other musicians ? »

Actually only Syd by Dave O' List and by Gilmour at the end of 1967 (see the « Pink Floyd Day by Day 1967 » page on this site). On the other hand, the rumour that Mason was replaced by another drummer on dates in 1968 is wrong.

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 QUESTION 011 « Are there any songs recorded solo (i.e. without another member of Pink Floyd) within the band's albums ? »

There are of course the tracks recorded for the « Ummagumma » LP. David recorded all the tracks of his solo part (The Narrow Way part 1-3) on his own, i.e. guitars, bass, piano, drums, while Nick got help from his wife Lindy for the flute part (as for the track Party Sequence).

  • « More », A Spanish Piece is played only by David Gilmour
  • « Ummagumma », The Narrow Way (parts 1-3) is played only by David Gilmour
  • « Atom Heart Mother »,  David played all parts of Fat Old Sun even there are some doubts about the organ part who would been played by Rick.
  • « Animals », Roger Waters plays played alone Pigs on the Wing (part 1) and Pigs on the Wing (Part 2)
  • « A Collection of Great Dance Songs », David has re-recorded (for legal reasons) Money alone, except the sax solo played by Dick Parry
  • « The Final Cut », Roger Waters is the only member of the band on One of the Few

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 QUESTION 012 « Is it true that « The Final Cut » was originally intended to be the title of the soundtrack « The Wall » ? »

This is quite true. The changeover seems to have taken place around July 1982. See also this page.

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 QUESTION 013 « Why was Richard Wright's departure hidden for so long and when was it revealed to the press ? »

The departure from the band structure was real as early as September 1979 but the actual departure took place the day after the last concert in June 1981 for which Rick was considered a musician. He stayed because the band did not want to make this forced departure official. Indeed, the band first sought to renegotiate the contract with the record company indicating that the line-up could change without the contract being challenged by the record company who were looking for any opportunity to lower the Floyd's financial demands. One of the first times this was officially acknowledged was in a November 1982 interview with Gilmour in Rock magazine under the headline « Pink Floyd, c’est fini ? »

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 QUESTION 014  « Were other dates and venues considered for the « Pink Floyd - The Wall performed live » tour ? »

Many venues were considered as early as May 1979. For example, Madison Square Garden was selected as shown in this June 1979 drawing by Mark Fisher.

Mark Fisher drawing

In March 1980, promoter Larry Maggid, who had seen the February concerts in New York, offered $1 million (plus expenses) for two concerts at JFK Stadium. Waters refused to play a stadium. The rest of the band and Steve O'Rourke considered the offer with Andy Bown as surrogate of Roger.

Interviewer: «But I heard that the rest of the Floyd wanted to do The Wall tour in stadiums. And that was one of the reasons you ultimately knocked the Pink Floyd on the head ...»

Roger Waters: « Yes, in 1980 when we finished in New York, Larry Maggid, a Philadelphia promoter - I remember him promoting us there at The Electric Factory when we were supporting Savoy Brown - offered us a guaranteed million dollars a show plus expenses to go and do two dates at JFK Stadium with The Wall. To truck straight from New York, where we'd been playing Nassau Coliseum, to Philadelphia. And (laughs) I wouldn't do it. I had to go through the whole story with the other members. I said, "You've all read my explanations of what The Wall is about. It's three years since we did that last stadium and I swore then that I would never do one again. And «The Wall» is entirely sparked off by how awful that was and how I didn't feel that the public or the band or anyone got anything out of it that was worthwhile. And that's why we've produced this show strictly for arenas where everyone does get something out of it that is worthwhile. Blah-blah-blah. And, I ain't fuckin' going!"

So there was a lot of talk about whether Andy Bown could sing my part. Oh, you may laugh - this is what's happening now, isn't it? And in the end they bottled out. They didn't have the balls to go through with it at that point».

«Interview with Chris Salewicz», Q Magazine, June 1980.

Milton Keynes was booked on 23 May 1980 (see 'Sounds' article of 5 April 1980 entitled 'Floyd in the Open'). Finally, Roger Waters indicated in several interviews that the concerts would be held at Wembley's Empire Pool from 9 to 13 June, even though this would mean that the concert would take place outdoors, contrary to the philosophy behind the show.

Roger Waters: 

« There’s also a possibility that we may do a British outdoor concert after Wembley. We don’t really approve of outdoor shows, but at least it will mean a chance for everyone to see us».

«Floyd week», Record Mirror, 26 January 1980.

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 QUESTION 015 « The cover of « The Final Cut » states that the album is « composed by Roger Waters and performed by Pink Floyd », was this the first time his name was detached from that of the band?»

No, we see this subtitle appearing as early as the programmes for "The Wall performed Live" tour in 1980.

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 QUESTION 016   « When and how did the idea of creating a light show come about ? »

According to Roger, the idea came from the March 11, 1966 concert in Colchester.

Roger Waters:

«The idea of a light show came when we did a gig at Essex University and someone showed a film on the wall next to us while we were playing. 

We thought that was rather good. Then we discovered how to do it with bubbles and oils at Palace Gardens, when a bloke came down with some».

«Waters in the Pink …», Disc&Music Echo, 8 August 1970.

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 QUESTION 017   « Is it true that the band refused Stanley Kubrick's use of the Atom Heart Mother song for « Clockwork Orange » movie ? »

It's complicated because we're hearing different things. Mason and Waters don't seem to have exactly the same memories.

Nick Mason:

« Je pense que s'il nous avait demandé, nous aurions sauté sur l'occasion».

« Tout est là ou presque», Rock & Folk, Novembre 2016.

Roger Waters:

«We would like to do some more movies and at the moment Kubrick’s new film is in the offering. If he knows what he wants then that’s a good thing. He wanted to use “Atom Heart Mother” and chop and change it about. He just phoned up and he wanted it and we said “well what do you want to do? ’’ and he didn’t know he just said he wanted to use it “how I want, when I want” and we said “right you can’t use it”.»

«Pink Floyd' The mad scientists of this age», Grapevine, 16 January 1972

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 QUESTION 018 « I didn't understand the story of « The Pros & Cons of Hitch-Hiking » ! »

This is how Roger Waters summed up the story to the press on May 1984 …

« The album begins at 4.30 am., a man and a woman are asleep in a bedroom. A film continues to play on a video recorder and the man is having a nightmare — that's the start of the story. He awakes and wakes his wife up who comforts him, and he begins to relate his dream. 

Then the music starts: «We were moving away from the border», he sees himself driving in Europe somewhere, picking up a couple of hitch hikers. He likes the girls and he suggests they stop. The hitch-hiker disappears from the dream and he finds himself alone again with this incredible girl, the one from the album cover. The moment when they're going to make love he gets frightened and the nightmare returns. He sees himself surrounded by arabs who are threatening to do him in, he sees his wife and is stricken with guilt which nearly wakes him up. He ends up finding himself alone at last with the girl in a room of a Koeningsburg hotel in Germany. While he's making love with her in the dream he grasps his wife in the reality of his bed and wakes her up again. She wakes him too and bawls him out. 

So he finds himself all alone and frustrated in the song "Sexual Revolution" which exposes his problems. Then he starts dreaming again and finds the dream girl who soothes him and suggests they start's new life in the American countryside. This is what they do at the end of the first side. At the start of side two everything begins to go wrong and one of the man's recurrent fears is realised when the hitch hiker leaves him for someone else. In the meantime she had become his wife and leaves him, taking their children. All of a sudden he finds he's alone and washed up, and he too becomes a hitch hiker. A whole pile of adventures happen to him with the truckers and Hells Angels until he understands, in a moment of peace that in spite of everything, all is well. At this point he wakes up, very depressed, certain that his wife has left him. He doesn't realise where he is, and in the dawn extends his hand and feels that his wife, who isn't aware of anything, is still there, he falls asleep again and the story is.over. An everyday story. The line between tragedy and happiness is a thin one ...».

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 QUESTION 019 « Is Shine on you crazy diamond really dedicated to Syd or is it an apocryphal version ? »

Yes, it's clearly the band's inspiration from the start. The first screenings from the French tour in June 1974 undoubtedly show this.  Storm Thorgerson, the author of this film, reused footage from the 8mm film made on the beach in Santa Monica on November 5th 1967 (see the page dedicated to the films shot in 1967 for more information).

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 QUESTION 020 « Was it clear from the start that the band would not play anything other than the entirety of « The Wall » on the 1980 tour ? »

Yes, although there were discussions in 1979. Gerald Scarfe would have wanted a third part..

Roger Waters:

« You couldn’t very well to do «The Wall» and come out and say we’re going to do Money as an encore. It wouldn’t be right. Ant it will be exactly the same this time around».

«The making of Pink Floyd The Wall», Gerald Scarfe.

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 QUESTION 021 « During the shooting of the flying pig (3rd and 4th December 1976), is it true that only David, Roger and Gerald Scarfe were present ? »

No, although it was mainly the photos of David, Roger and Gerald that were circulated, all members were present on the first day of the shoot (December 3rd).

Clockwise: David, Roger and Gerald Scarfe. Storm Thorgerson, Aubrey Powell and Chris Adamson. Richard and Juliet Wright. Roger and Nick.

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 QUESTION 022 « What are the alternative lyrics of Cymbaline that we hear in the film version of « More » ? » 

«The path you tread is narrow

And the drop is sheer and very high

The ravens all are watching

From a vantage point nearby

Apprehension creeping

Like a tube train up your spine

Standing by with a book in his hand

He’s waiting for tonight»

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 QUESTION 023   « Do we know who the authors of each of the spoken parts in « The Dark Side of the Moon » are ? »

THE WALL 2nd PRODUCTION DEMO (9 January 1979 - Brittania Row Studios)

  • We’ll meet again Programme 2 CD5 Track 23 (Second Version - longer)
  • Reminiscing Programme 2 CD5 Track 24 Another brick in the wall (part 1)
  • Thin ice Programme 2 CD5 Track 25 The thin ice
  • Good-bye blue sky Programme 2 CD5 Track 26
  • Teacher, teacher Programme 2 CD5 Track 27 The hero’s return (Unreleased)
  • Another brick in the wall (Education) Programme 2 CD5 Track 28 Another brick in the wall (part 2)
  • Young Lust Programme 2 CD5 Track 30
  • Mother Programme 2 CD5 Track 31
  • Don’t leave me now Programme 2 CD5 Track 32
  • Sexual revolution Programme 2 CD5 Track 33 Sexual revolution (Unreleased)
  • Another brick in the wall (Drugs) Programme 2 CD5 Track 34 Another brick in the wall (part 3)
  • Backs to the wall  Programme 2 CD5 Track 29 What shall we do now ?
  • Goodbye cruel world ????
  • Bleeding hearts Programme 2 CD6 Track 11 Outside the wall
  • Is there anybody out there ? (Part 1) Programme 1 CD6 Track 15
  • Vera Programme 1 CD6 Track 16
  • Bring the boys back home Programme 1 CD6 Track 17
  • Is there anybody out there ? (Part 2) Programme 3 CD 6 Track 02 Unreleased
  • Hey you Programme 1 CD6 Piste 04
  • The doctor Programme 2 CD6 Piste 05 Comfortably numb
  • Run like hell Programme 1 CD6 Piste 07
  • Follow the worms Programme 1 CD6 Piste 08 Waiting for the worms
  • Trial by puppets (Prophet synth version) Programme 1 CD6 Piste 09 The trial
  • Never too late Programme 1 CD6 Piste 14 The show must go on
  • Instrumental theme Programme 1 CD6  Piste 12 Instrumental reprise of the Thin ice

THE WALL 3nd PRODUCTION DEMO (23 March 1979 - Miraval Studios)

  • The Show Programme 3 CD5 Track 36 In the flesh ?
  • Thin ice Programme 3 CD5 Track 37 The thin ice
  • Brick 1: Reminiscing Programme 3 CD5 Track 38 Another brick in the wall (part 1)
  • Happiest days Programme 3 CD5 Track 39 (The happiest days of our lives)
  • Another brick in the wall: Education Programme 3 CD5 Track 40 Another brick in the wall (part 2)
  • Mother Programme 3 CD5 Track 41 
  • Goodbye blue sky Programme 2 CD5 Track 26 Teacher, teacher …  was cut off but not the segue
  • Empty spaces (Part 1) Programme 2 CD5 Track 29
  • Young lust Programme 2 CD5 Track 30
  • One of my turns Programme 3 CD 6 Track 16
  • Don’t leave me now Programme 3 CD 6 Track 17
  • Empty spaces (Part 2) Programme 3 CD 6 Track 18 Reprise of Empty Spaces (Unreleased)
  • Backs to the wall Programme 3 CD 6 Track 19 What shall we do now ?
  • Another brick in the wall: Drugs Programme 3 CD 6 Track 20 Another brick in the wall (part 3)
  • Goodbye cruel world Programme 3 CD 6 Track 21
  • Is there anybody out there ? (Part 1) Programme 1 CD6 Track 15 (shortered) = Programme 3 CD 6 Track 01
  • Vera Programme 1 CD6 Track 16 = Programme 3 CD 6 Track 02
  • Is there anybody out there ? (Part 2) Programme 1 CD6 Track 17 = Programme 3 CD 6 Track 02 Bridged with Vera
  • Bring the boys back home Programme 3 CD 6 Track 02  = Programme 3 CD 6 Track 03
  • Hey you  Programme 1 CD 6 Track 04
  • The doctor Programme 2 CD 6 Track 15 Comfortably Numb 
  • It’s never too late Programme 1 CD 6 Track 10 The show must go on
  • The show Programme 1 CD 6 Track 06 In the Flesh !
  • Run like hell Programme 1 CD 6 Track 07
  • Waiting for the worms  Programme 3 CD 6 Track 08
  • Stop « Under construction » Track 26
  • Trial by puppets (piano version) « Under construction » Track 27 The trial
  • Outside the wall Programme 3 CD 6 Track 13 
  • It’s never too late Programme 3 CD 6 Track 14 Unreleased

SPEAK TO ME | Gerry O'Driscoll, Portier des studios EMI (Abbey Road)

«I’ve been mad for f**king years, absolutely years. I've been over the edge for yonks. Working me buns off for bands so long. I think, crikey».

«I’ve always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us are. It's very hard to explain why you're a madman, even if you're not a madman» 

ON THE RUN | Annonces vocales de l’aéroport de Heathrow, Londres:

«… have your hand baggage and passports ready and then follow the green line to customs and then to immigration. BA 255 to Rome, Cairo, Lagos. May I have your attention please. This announcement (…) passengers on BA 255 to Rome, Cairo, Lagos. Will you please (…) at this time …»

ON THE RUN | Roger « The Hat » Manifold, Road manager du groupe:

« Live for today, gone tomorrow. That's me. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha »

THE GREAT GIG IN THE SKY | Gerry O'Driscoll, Portier des studios EMI (Abbey Road):

« … And I am not frightened of dying. Any time will do, I don't mind. Why should I be frightened of dying ? There's no reason for it. You've gotta go sometime »

THE GREAT GIG IN THE SKY | Puddie Watts, femme du road manager Peter Watts.

« I never said I was frightened of dying »

MONEY | Gerry O'Driscoll, Portier des studios EMI (Abbey Road):

« Huh, huh, I was in the right » 

« Yes, absolutely in the right! » 

« I certainly was in the right »

MONEY |  Puddie Watts, femme du road manager Peter Watts

«I was definitely in the right. That geezer was cruising for a bruising»

MONEY |  Gerry O'Driscoll, Portier des studios EMI (Abbey Road):

«Why does anyone do anything ?» / «Yeah! Why does anyone do anything ?»

MONEY |  Henry McCullough, guitariste des Wings et de Paul McCartney 

«I don't know, I was really drunk at the time !»

MONEY |  Chris Adamson, roadie du groupe

«After he just told me he was in plugged in to number 2, he was asking why it wasn't coming up on fader eleven. So after yelling and screaming and telling him why it wasn't coming up on fader eleven, it came to a heavy blow, which sorted the matter out»

MONEY |  Gerry O'Driscoll, Portier des studios EMI (Abbey Road):

«Why does anyone do anything ?»

MONEY |  Henry McCullough, guitariste des Wings et de Paul McCartney 

«I don't know, I was really drunk at the time !»

US AND THEM | Roger «The Hat» Manifold, Road manager du groupe:

«I mean, they're gonna kill ya, so if you give 'em a quick short, sharp, shock, they won't do it again. Dig it? I mean he got off lightly, 'cause I would've given him a thrashing, I only hit him once. It was only a difference of opinion, but really, I mean good manners don't cost nothing do they, eh ?»

BRAIN DAMAGE | Peter Watts. Road manager du groupe

« I can't think of anything to say except ... (laughter) »

« I think it's marvelous (laughter) »

BRAIN DAMAGE | Gerry O'Driscoll, Portier des studios EMI (Abbey Road)

« There is no dark side in the moon, really. Matter-of-fact it's all dark »

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 QUESTION 024   « Is it true that Roger Waters was to appear naked on a podium at the end of « The Wall » show ? »

Yes, the original idea was for Roger Waters to stand naked on a pedestal while the rest of the band and musicians sang Outside the Wall.

On the left: Sketch of Mark Fisher. On the right: drawing by Gerald Scarfe

Gerald Scarfe: « We did talk about the end of the show …».

Roger Waters: « With me, standing naked or somebody - some poor bastard, on a plinth. It was a good idea, it was just a bit too daring».

Gerald Scarfe: « What, for you to stand naked».

Roger Waters: « Yeah.»

Gerald Scarfe: « You wouldn’t do it today, would you ?».

Roger Waters: « No. I can hardly stand, never mind stand naked showing people all my wrinkly bits »

«The making of Pink Floyd The Wall», Gerald Scarfe.

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 QUESTION 025 « What are the exact concert dates used in the band's live albums ? »

THE WALL 2nd PRODUCTION DEMO (9 January 1979 - Brittania Row Studios)

  • We’ll meet again Programme 2 CD5 Track 23 (Second Version - longer)
  • Reminiscing Programme 2 CD5 Track 24 Another brick in the wall (part 1)
  • Thin ice Programme 2 CD5 Track 25 The thin ice
  • Good-bye blue sky Programme 2 CD5 Track 26
  • Teacher, teacher Programme 2 CD5 Track 27 The hero’s return (Unreleased)
  • Another brick in the wall (Education) Programme 2 CD5 Track 28 Another brick in the wall (part 2)
  • Young Lust Programme 2 CD5 Track 30
  • Mother Programme 2 CD5 Track 31
  • Don’t leave me now Programme 2 CD5 Track 32
  • Sexual revolution Programme 2 CD5 Track 33 Sexual revolution (Unreleased)
  • Another brick in the wall (Drugs) Programme 2 CD5 Track 34 Another brick in the wall (part 3)
  • Backs to the wall  Programme 2 CD5 Track 29 What shall we do now ?
  • Goodbye cruel world ????
  • Bleeding hearts Programme 2 CD6 Track 11 Outside the wall
  • Is there anybody out there ? (Part 1) Programme 1 CD6 Track 15
  • Vera Programme 1 CD6 Track 16
  • Bring the boys back home Programme 1 CD6 Track 17
  • Is there anybody out there ? (Part 2) Programme 3 CD 6 Track 02 Unreleased
  • Hey you Programme 1 CD6 Piste 04
  • The doctor Programme 2 CD6 Piste 05 Comfortably numb
  • Run like hell Programme 1 CD6 Piste 07
  • Follow the worms Programme 1 CD6 Piste 08 Waiting for the worms
  • Trial by puppets (Prophet synth version) Programme 1 CD6 Piste 09 The trial
  • Never too late Programme 1 CD6 Piste 14 The show must go on
  • Instrumental theme Programme 1 CD6  Piste 12 Instrumental reprise of the Thin ice

THE WALL 3nd PRODUCTION DEMO (23 March 1979 - Miraval Studios)

  • The Show Programme 3 CD5 Track 36 In the flesh ?
  • Thin ice Programme 3 CD5 Track 37 The thin ice
  • Brick 1: Reminiscing Programme 3 CD5 Track 38 Another brick in the wall (part 1)
  • Happiest days Programme 3 CD5 Track 39 (The happiest days of our lives)
  • Another brick in the wall: Education Programme 3 CD5 Track 40 Another brick in the wall (part 2)
  • Mother Programme 3 CD5 Track 41 
  • Goodbye blue sky Programme 2 CD5 Track 26 Teacher, teacher …  was cut off but not the segue
  • Empty spaces (Part 1) Programme 2 CD5 Track 29
  • Young lust Programme 2 CD5 Track 30
  • One of my turns Programme 3 CD 6 Track 16
  • Don’t leave me now Programme 3 CD 6 Track 17
  • Empty spaces (Part 2) Programme 3 CD 6 Track 18 Reprise of Empty Spaces (Unreleased)
  • Backs to the wall Programme 3 CD 6 Track 19 What shall we do now ?
  • Another brick in the wall: Drugs Programme 3 CD 6 Track 20 Another brick in the wall (part 3)
  • Goodbye cruel world Programme 3 CD 6 Track 21
  • Is there anybody out there ? (Part 1) Programme 1 CD6 Track 15 (shortered) = Programme 3 CD 6 Track 01
  • Vera Programme 1 CD6 Track 16 = Programme 3 CD 6 Track 02
  • Is there anybody out there ? (Part 2) Programme 1 CD6 Track 17 = Programme 3 CD 6 Track 02 Bridged with Vera
  • Bring the boys back home Programme 3 CD 6 Track 02  = Programme 3 CD 6 Track 03
  • Hey you  Programme 1 CD 6 Track 04
  • The doctor Programme 2 CD 6 Track 15 Comfortably Numb 
  • It’s never too late Programme 1 CD 6 Track 10 The show must go on
  • The show Programme 1 CD 6 Track 06 In the Flesh !
  • Run like hell Programme 1 CD 6 Track 07
  • Waiting for the worms  Programme 3 CD 6 Track 08
  • Stop « Under construction » Track 26
  • Trial by puppets (piano version) « Under construction » Track 27 The trial
  • Outside the wall Programme 3 CD 6 Track 13 
  • It’s never too late Programme 3 CD 6 Track 14 Unreleased

« Ummagumma » (1969)

Astronomy Dominé 27.04.1969 Mothers Club, Birmingham, Angleterre

Careful with that Axe, Eugène 02.05.1969 College of Commerce, Manchester, Angleterre

Set the controls for the Heart of the Sun 02.05.1969 College of Commerce, Manchester, Angleterre

A Saucerful of Secrets 27.04.1969 Mothers Club, Birmingham, Angleterre

« Delicate Sound of Thunder » (1988)

Shine On You Crazy Diamond 21.08.1988 Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, New York, USA

Learning to Fly 21.08.1988 Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, New York, USA

Yet Another Movie 21.08.1988 Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, New York, USA

Round and Around 21.08.1988 Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, New York, USA (Beginning) + 19.08.1988 Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, New York, USA

Sorrow 23.08.1988 Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, New York, USA (final solo is shortened)

The Dogs of War 20.08.1988 Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, New York, USA + Other dates (some bits)

On the Turning Away 21.08.1988 Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, New York, USA (final solo shortened).

One of These Days 22.08.1988 Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, New York, USA (Intro and middle break shortened)

Time 19.08.1988 Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, New York, USA (Rototom intro shortened)

Wish You Were Here 20.08.1988 Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, New York, USA + 23.08.1988 Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, New York, USA (some bits)

Us and Them 21.08.1988 Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, New York, USA

Money 21.08.1988 + 20.08.1988 (sax solo) + 23.08.1988 Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, New York, USA (Bass solo)

Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2) 21.08.1988 Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, New York, USA

Comfortably Numb 23.08.1988 Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, New York, USA

Run Like Hell 19.08.1988 + 21.08.1988 Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, New York, USA

« Pulse » (1995)

Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part 1-5 & 7) 20.10.1994 Earl's Court, London, EN 

Astronomy Dominé 15.10.1994 Earl's Court, London, EN    

What Do You Want From Me ? 21.09.1994 Studi di Cinecittà, Roma, IT     

Learning to Fly 14.10.1994 Earl's Court, London, EN

Keep Talking 17.08.1994 Niedersachsenstadion, Hannover, GE     

Coming Back to Life 13.10.1994 Earl's Court, London, EN

Hey You 13.10.1994 Earl's Court, London, EN + 15.10.1994 Earl's Court, London, EN (last verse)    

A Great Day for Freedom 19.10.1994 Earl's Court, London, EN

Sorrow 20.09.1994 Studi di Cinecittà, Roma, IT 

High Hopes 14.10.1994 Earl's Court, London, EN + 19.10.1994 Earl's Court, London, EN + 20.10.1994 Earl's Court, London, EN + 21.10.1994 Earl's Court, London, EN + 21.10.1994 Earl's Court, London, EN     

Another Brick in the Wall (Part 1&2) 21 October 1994, Earls Court, London, EN

Speak to Me 20.09.1994 Studi di Cinecittà, Roma, IT

Breathe (In the Air) 20.10.1994 Earl's Court, London, EN    

On the Run 20.10.1994 Earl's Court, London, EN + 15.10.1994 Earl's Court, London, EN (final explosion)

Time/Breathe (Reprise) 17.09.1994 Festa Nazionale dell'Unita, Modena, IT (intro) + 20.09.1994 Studi di Cinecittà, Roma, IT 

The Great Gig in the Sky 20.10.1994 Earl's Court, London, EN

Money 17.09.1994 Festa Nazionale dell'Unita, Modena, IT + 20.10.1994 Earl's Court, London, EN

Us and Them 19.10.1994 Earl's Court, London, EN (Second & Third Chorus) + 20.10.1994 Earl's Court, London, EN (End)

Any Colour You Like 23.10.1994 Earl's Court, London, EN     

Brain Damage 19.10.1994 Earl's Court, London, EN 

Eclipse 19.10.1994 Earl's Court, London, EN 

Wish You Were Here 20.09.1994 Studi di Cinecittà, Roma, IT    

Comfortably Numb 20.10.1994 Earl's Court, London, EN

Run Like Hell 15.10.1994 Earl's Court, London, EN

« Is there anybody out there ? The Wall Live 1980-1981» (1999)

MC: Atmos 07.08.1980 Earls Court's London EN

In the Flesh ? 07.08.1980 Earls Court's London EN

The Thin Ice 09.08.1980 Earls Court's London EN

Another Brick in the Wall (part 1) 07.08.1980 Earls Court's London EN 

The Happiest Days of Our Lives 07.08.1980 Earls Court's London EN + 15.06.1981  Earls Court's London EN + 17.06.1981 Earls Court's London EN                 

Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2) 08.08.1980 Earls Court's London EN + 09.08.1980 Earls Court's London EN + 14.06.1981 Earls Court's London EN                 

Mother 16.06.1981 Earls Court's London EN                   

Goodbye Blue Sky 17.06.1981 Earls Court's London EN             

Empty Spaces 14.06.1981 Earls Court's London EN            

What Shall We Do Now ? 14.06.1981 Earls Court's London EN        

Young Lust 07.08.1980 Earls Court's London EN       

One of My Turns 07.08.1980 Earls Court's London EN               

Don't Leave Me Now 07.08.1980 Earls Court's London EN               

Another Brick in the Wall (Part 3) 07.08.1980 Earls Court's London EN               

The Last Few Bricks 07.08.1980 Earls Court's London EN + 09.08.1980 Earls Court's London EN         

Goodbye Cruel World 09.08.1980 Earls Court's London EN  

Hey You 14.06.1981 Earls Court's London EN + 15.06.1981 Earls Court's London EN + 16.06.1981 Earls Court's London EN            

Is There Anybody Out There ? 07.08.1980 Earls Court's London EN 

Nobody Home 08.08.1980 Earls Court's London EN + 15.06.1981 Earls Court's London EN                 

Vera 13.06.1981 Earls Court's London EN                    

Bring the Boys Back Home 07.08.1980 Earls Court's London EN               

Comfortably Numb 09.08.1980 Earls Court's London EN + 15.06.1981 Earls Court's London EN      

The Show Must Go On 16.06.1981 Earls Court's London EN                

MC: Atmos 15.06.1981 Earls Court's London EN

In the Flesh ! 07.08.1980 Earls Court's London EN               

Run Like Hell 14.06.1981 Earls Court's London EN + 15.06.1981 Earls Court's London EN + 17.06.1981 Earls Court's London EN             

Waiting for the Worms 13.06.1981 Earls Court's London EN            

Stop 09.08.1980 Earls Court's London EN                    

The Trial 09.08.1980 Earls Court's London EN

Outside the Wall 08.08.1980 Earls Court's London EN + 09.08.1980 Earls Court's London EN + 14.06.1981 Earls Court's London EN     

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 QUESTION 026 « What's the story with Jimmy Young ? »

Jimmy Young was a well known English DJ in the late 60s and early 70s but one that the band didn't like. The Floyd came up with the idea of recording some of the presenter's performances and randomly cutting out the phrases and pasting them back together in a random order to enhance the comic effect of the presenter's interventions. 

They used this tape in the live performance of Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast on 22 December 1970 and in the live performances of the British Winter Tour in November 1974 just before Raving & Drooling. They apparently also tried to incorporate it into One of these Days.

«(…) And then...umm... ah yes, Yorkshire, I said, didn't I. Lovely greenwood. And that's ah, a Yorkshire, hence the expression 'Get [??nottingly].' Ha ha!

Anyway, had you heard, hmmm, [can't get words!] Or 'worse'. To my husband, unfortunately Uncle William was out of the room and he missed all that. Anyway! Oh dear, oh dear, he says 'Never mind about all that stuff.' She says [and I say] in a French accent. con-gratulations, [...] [do you] [?Donnelly?] Uh, [???wich] [green], of course. Uh, happily a [...] ah, addict. Ah yes. [...] That's, um, unusual, quite my sort of program actually. As they say, here's a memory to take with you, which will make you very glad you ever [lived]. Anyway! [...]

[...] good for you! Well, I can if you write me a postcard --[kindly, don't] [...] crowd laughs. But anyway! Um, ha...the thing is, I -- ay, ah. Nearly forgot to say, didn't I? If you would like me to, uh, phone you on the show, numero dut -- [hello, hoy-o], that's for me, ah, but this'll take [you like a] [...] whack one, ah -- whack, whack one off to me, ah, we'll whack it on the show to you! And...[...] This is for you! Yes, well, [...] for you, and him, and, uh, (--splice?--) [and then he say], Froggie says, 'Monkey doo!' And I say, 'Well, I very much hope so, cause that's what I'm here for. So, hope I will help you both to get better, out and about very soon.' Meanwhile on, and from, um, monkey doo, to Steven Trew! Uh, actually, it's rather nice, it's not one of those kinds that don't trust me, you see. They (--splice?--) your funny phonetics again. Steven T-R-E-W. [...] It's pronounced T-R-O-O-O, Jim. [...] Anyway, T-T-R-O-O…[…]»

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 QUESTION 030 « Given that David Gilmour ultimately requested that his name as producer be removed from « The Final Cut », is « The Wall » album the last record on which the Waters/Gilmour credit appears ? »

No, as the UK press kit proves, it was the music for the film that is.

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 QUESTION 027  « When was the live segue between Green is the Colour and Careful with that Axe, Eugene? »

In all likelihood, from the moment these songs were included in the show « The Man and the Journey ». The rehearsals for the concert on 14 April 1969 filmed by Anthony Stern show the band working specifically on this passage.

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 QUESTION 029 « Is it true that the Earl's Court concerts in June 1981 were specifically arranged to be filmed for the film ? »

Yes, Alan Parker saw the February concerts in Germany and arranged with Michael Serresin to shoot the live footage in London.

« The Guardian », 13 June  1981.

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« Was there any plan to tour after the 1994 tour ? »

Yes, an australian and Japan tour was planned for the next year but eventually cancelled on June 14, presumably for financial reasons. Dates in 1994 were also cancelled in Greece, Turkey and Israel.

Guy Pratt: 

« Also, it was a shame we didn’t do enough of that. It was only Europe and America. We didn’t go to the Far East or anywhere interesting »

« Bassist Guy Pratt on touring with Pink Floyd", Rolling Stone, 16 September 2020

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 QUESTION 028 « Why are there several mixes of Scream thy last scream and Vegetable Man ? »

With the success of "The Dark Side of the Moon", it was decided to capitalise on the band's work. It was then decided to release the first two albums in an economical form under the title "A Nice Pair".  As sales were good, it was decided to produce a third album by Syd Barrett, whose cult following was growing along with the band's. After an unsuccessful attempt to record the ex-leader of the band, Peter Jenner decided to use the existing unreleased material. With the help of John Leckie and Pat Stapley, he decided to take these two tracks and mix them in stereo (it was unthinkable at the time to release mono tracks).  This tape, referenced 6604Z, was found in the EMI archives before disappearing almost immediately! Miraculously enough, the famous collector Bernard White found himself with this tape in his hands.  This project did not come to fruition and an economy version of Barrett's two existing albums was produced the following year, recycling known tracks (although the October article in Rave magazine suggests that a photo shoot was organised (thanks to Felix Atagong for the details).

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« How to identify the demos of « The Wall » present on the « Immersion » boxset ? »

For some unknown reason, the demos in the boxset have been mixed up. Based on Vernon Fitch's reference book « Comfortably numb - A history of The Wall » and after careful listening to the demos, it is still possible to reconstruct them. It should be noted that there are duplicates such as Is there anybody out there ? (Part 1) / Vera / Is there anybody out there ? (Part 2) / Bring the boys back home from programme 1 and programme 3.  Some tracks are "hidden" as for Is there Anybody out there There is an additional demo released with the bootleg « under construction » which seems to correspond to the last demo dated August 11 or 12, 1979 (but this has never been confirmed).

THE WALL 1st Acoustic Demos (September 1977 - Summer 1978 - Islington Waters’ demo)

  • We’ll meet again Programme 2 CD5 Piste 01  (First Version - shorter)
  • Brick 1: Reminiscing Programme 1 CD5 Piste 02 Another brick in the wall (part 1)
  • Mother Programme 1 CD5 Piste 03 (verse)/ Programme 1 CD5 Piste 07 (Chorus)
  • Brick 2: Education Programme 1 CD5 Piste 05 Another brick in the wall (part 2)
  • Teacher, teacher Not released in the boxset
  • Young Lust Programme 1 CD5 Piste 04
  • Instrumental interlude Not released in the boxset
  • Sexual revolution Not released in the boxset
  • Don’t leave me now Programme 1 CD5 Pistes 09 (intro)/Programme 1 CD 11 (other excerpts)
  • Brick 3: Drugs Programme 1 CD5 Piste 12 Another brick in the wall (part 3)
  • Empty spaces Programme 1 CD5 Piste 06
  • Back to the wall Programme 1 CD5 Piste 08 What shall we do now ?
  • Goodbye cruel world Programme 1 CD5 Piste 13
  • Bleeding hearts Programme 1 CD5 Piste 22  Outside the wall
  • Follow the worms Programme 1 CD5 Piste 19 Waiting for the worms
  • Death disco Programme 1 CD5 Piste 20 Elements of Run like hell
  • Is there anybody out there ? Programme 1 CD5 Piste 15 (First version)/Programme 1 CD6 Piste 01 (Second version)
  • Vera Programme 1 CD6 Piste 02 (first excerpt)/Programme 1 CD5 Piste 16 (second excerpt)
  • Bring the boys back home Programme 1 CD6 Piste 03 (first excerpt)/ Programme 1 CD5 Piste 17 (second excerpt)
  • Is there anybody out there ? (Blues Version) «Under Construction» CD1 Piste 19
  • Hey you Programme 1 CD5 Piste 14
  • Trial by puppets Programme 1 CD5 Piste 21 The trial
  • Who’s sorry now/It’s never too late Programme 1 CD5 Piste 18 The show must go on
  • Instrumental theme Not released in the boxset instrumental reprise of The Thin Ice

THE WALL 2nd PRODUCTION DEMO (9 January 1979 - Brittania Row Studios)

  • We’ll meet again Programme 2 CD5 Track 23 (Second Version - longer)
  • Reminiscing Programme 2 CD5 Track 24 Another brick in the wall (part 1)
  • Thin ice Programme 2 CD5 Track 25 The thin ice
  • Good-bye blue sky Programme 2 CD5 Track 26
  • Teacher, teacher Programme 2 CD5 Track 27 The hero’s return (Unreleased)
  • Another brick in the wall (Education) Programme 2 CD5 Track 28 Another brick in the wall (part 2)
  • Young Lust Programme 2 CD5 Track 30
  • Mother Programme 2 CD5 Track 31
  • Don’t leave me now Programme 2 CD5 Track 32
  • Sexual revolution Programme 2 CD5 Track 33 Sexual revolution (Unreleased)
  • Another brick in the wall (Drugs) Programme 2 CD5 Track 34 Another brick in the wall (part 3)
  • Backs to the wall  Programme 2 CD5 Track 29 What shall we do now ?
  • Goodbye cruel world ????
  • Bleeding hearts Programme 2 CD6 Track 11 Outside the wall
  • Is there anybody out there ? (Part 1) Programme 1 CD6 Track 15
  • Vera Programme 1 CD6 Track 16
  • Bring the boys back home Programme 1 CD6 Track 17
  • Is there anybody out there ? (Part 2) Programme 3 CD 6 Track 02 Unreleased
  • Hey you Programme 1 CD6 Piste 04
  • The doctor Programme 2 CD6 Piste 05 Comfortably numb
  • Run like hell Programme 1 CD6 Piste 07
  • Follow the worms Programme 1 CD6 Piste 08 Waiting for the worms
  • Trial by puppets (Prophet synth version) Programme 1 CD6 Piste 09 The trial
  • Never too late Programme 1 CD6 Piste 14 The show must go on
  • Instrumental theme Programme 1 CD6  Piste 12 Instrumental reprise of the Thin ice

THE WALL 3nd PRODUCTION DEMO (23 March 1979 - Miraval Studios)

  • The Show Programme 3 CD5 Track 36 In the flesh ?
  • Thin ice Programme 3 CD5 Track 37 The thin ice
  • Brick 1: Reminiscing Programme 3 CD5 Track 38 Another brick in the wall (part 1)
  • Happiest days Programme 3 CD5 Track 39 (The happiest days of our lives)
  • Another brick in the wall: Education Programme 3 CD5 Track 40 Another brick in the wall (part 2)
  • Mother Programme 3 CD5 Track 41 
  • Goodbye blue sky Programme 2 CD5 Track 26 Teacher, teacher …  was cut off but not the segue
  • Empty spaces (Part 1) Programme 2 CD5 Track 29
  • Young lust Programme 2 CD5 Track 30
  • One of my turns Programme 3 CD 6 Track 16
  • Don’t leave me now Programme 3 CD 6 Track 17
  • Empty spaces (Part 2) Programme 3 CD 6 Track 18 Reprise of Empty Spaces (Unreleased)
  • Backs to the wall Programme 3 CD 6 Track 19 What shall we do now ?
  • Another brick in the wall: Drugs Programme 3 CD 6 Track 20 Another brick in the wall (part 3)
  • Goodbye cruel world Programme 3 CD 6 Track 21
  • Is there anybody out there ? (Part 1) Programme 1 CD6 Track 15 (shortered) = Programme 3 CD 6 Track 01
  • Vera Programme 1 CD6 Track 16 = Programme 3 CD 6 Track 02
  • Is there anybody out there ? (Part 2) Programme 1 CD6 Track 17 = Programme 3 CD 6 Track 02 Bridged with Vera
  • Bring the boys back home Programme 3 CD 6 Track 02  = Programme 3 CD 6 Track 03
  • Hey you  Programme 1 CD 6 Track 04
  • The doctor Programme 2 CD 6 Track 15 Comfortably Numb 
  • It’s never too late Programme 1 CD 6 Track 10 The show must go on
  • The show Programme 1 CD 6 Track 06 In the Flesh !
  • Run like hell Programme 1 CD 6 Track 07
  • Waiting for the worms  Programme 3 CD 6 Track 08
  • Stop « Under construction » Track 26
  • Trial by puppets (piano version) « Under construction » Track 27 The trial
  • Outside the wall Programme 3 CD 6 Track 13 
  • It’s never too late Programme 3 CD 6 Track 14 Unreleased

PRODUCTION DEMO (11 August 1979) « Under Construction » (speeded too fast)

  • The Show Programme 3 CD5 Track 36 = « Under Construction » Track 1
  • Thin ice Programme 3 CD5 Track 37 (The thin ice) = « Under Construction » Track 2
  • Another brick in the wall, part 1 Programme 3 CD5 Track 38 = « Under Construction » Track 3 (abridged)
  • The happiest days of our lives Programme 3 CD5 Track 39 = « Under Construction » Track 4
  • Another brick in the wall, Part 2 Programme 3 CD5 Track 40 = « Under Construction » Track 5                                    
  • Mother Programme 3 CD5 Track 41 = « Under Construction » Track 6
  • Goodbye blue sky « Under Construction » Track 7
  • Empty spaces (Part 1) Programme 2 CD5 Track 29 = « Under Construction » Piste 08
  • Young lust « Under Construction » Track 09 Instrumental
  • One of my turns Programme 3 CD 6 Track 16 = « Under Construction » Piste 10
  • Don’t leave me now Programme 3 CD 6 Track 17 = « Under Construction » Piste 11
  • Empty spaces (Part 2) Programme 3 CD 6 Track 18 = « Under Construction » Track 12
  • What shall we do now ? Programme 3 CD 6 Track 19 = « Under Construction » Track 13
  • Another brick in the wall, Part 3 Programme 3 CD 6 Track 20 = « Under Construction » Track 14
  • Goodbye cruel world Programme 3 CD 6 Track 21 = « Under Construction » Track 15
  • Is there anybody out there ? (Part 1) Programme 1 CD6 Track 15 = « Under Construction » Track 15
  • Vera Programme 1 CD6 Track 16 = « Under Construction » Track 16
  • Bring the boys back home Programme 1 CD6 Track 17 = « Under Construction » Track 17
  • Is there anybody out there ? (Part 2)* Programme 3 CD 6 Track 02  (glued at the ending of Vera) = « Under Construction » Track 18
  • Is there anybody out there ? (Part 3) « Under Construction »  Track 19 **
  • The doctor « Under Construction »  Track 20
  • Hey you Programme 3 CD 6 Track 04 = « Under Construction » Track 21
  • The show must go on « Under Construction » Track 22 ***
  • The show « Under Construction » Track 23
  • Run like hell « Under Construction » Track 24 Instrumental
  • Waiting for the worms  Programme 3 CD 6 Track 08 **** = « Under Construction » Track 25
  • Stop  « Under Construction » Track 26
  • Trial by puppet « Under Construction » Track 27 Orchestral Version
  • Outside the wall Programme 3 CD 6 Track 13 = « Under Construction » Track 28

*        Not noted in the Vernon Fitch book because coupled with Vera and Bring (hypothesis)

**     Discrepancy with the August 11st demo theory.

***   Maybe the same track than Programme 3 CD 6 Piste 08 but with the footstep intro and the outro cutted (the outro is rough cutted)

**** Probably the same but it runs too fast on the « Under Construction » bootleg. And the segue is not cutted on the same position (maybe others sounds effects too)

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« Where did the band name come from and when did the band finally adopt the name Pink Floyd ? »

History has it that the title was coined by Syd Barrett from the names of two bluesmen Pink Anderson and Floyd Council. It seems, however, that the first person to coin the name Pink Floyd was Stephen Pyle when Syd was playing with him in the band Those Without (see the Pink Floyd Tree page). Although there was some back and forth or hesitation, it seems that the recording of the demo in December 1965. One of the acetates from that time seems to testify to this.

Interviewer: «Did you not always think Pink Floyd was a stupid name ?»

Roger Waters: «No, it’s never bothered me. It was Syd’s idea; he was very bubbly and idiosyncratic. The name he came up with before was the Tea Set. Thank god that didn’t stick»

Pink Floyd’s cranky architect builds a new empire», Details Magazine, October 1992

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« It seems that there are additional tracks in the film « More » compared to the soundtrack released on record ? »

There are indeed unreleased tracks, different mixes and an alternative breakdown of some tracks. See this page for more information on the unreleased tracks from this period.

* This alternate version could be heard in the official trailer

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Communiqué de PBS. 1970.

« Where was the famous April 29, 1970 show on KQED filmed ? »

At the Fillmore Auditorium in the afternoon, before their evening show.

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« There is a rectangular empty slot within the « Early years 1965-1972 » boxset, what is it for ? »

This slot was to hold the plastic reproduction of the van used by the band in their early days (1965). The few copies produced were sold separately on the band's online shop.

Aubrey Powell:

«For the Early Years, when we discussed the packaging, the idea was to take the Pink Floyd van which they first used to travel between little tiny gigs in little clubs, an old Commer van that was black with a white stripe down it. But it proved too expensive to make a plastic van which is what I have wanted to have the artwork in, and in the end we finished up with the black box with a white stripe in it and inside there was a postcard of the van, so everyone knew what it related to»

«Pink Floyd's later years», Goldmine, January 2020.

This is actually a variation on Aubrey's original idea to give the shape of the band's van to the whole set.

Model by A.Powell. Unused project

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« I found this poster (see above). Where did it come from? »

It was one of the merchandising items sold during the 1977 "In the Flesh" tour. It was created from photos of rehearsals in December 1976 at London's Olympia Hall by Storm Thorgerson for the Tourbook and can be seen in the bottom right of this photo taken backstage at the Empire Pool in March 1977.

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« Why did David Gilmour buy the Astoria »

It was a suite of circumstances. It followed Gilmour's legal issues in early 1986. His driving licence had been revoked for a drink-driving offence (running a red light). 

David Gilmour:

«I had been banned from driving for drunk driving for a year, being silly. So I was being driven, rather than driving myself, and as you’re driven you sort of look out of the windows a lot more and as we drove along we looked, I looked out, and I saw this metal work on the top over the wall, and I said to the chap driving: «Can we just pull over here and have a look?» 

And we pulled over and we stood on the pavement, we stood on the corner there and peered over and looked down and saw this incredible boat and this water and work on the top. And I thought ‘Oh, that’s fantastic.’»

« Inside David Gilmour’s Astoria Houseboat Recording Studio», Newshub New Zealand Website, 24 September 2009.

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« Why did Roger Waters use Vera Lynn's name for his album « The Wall » ? »

Apart from the symbolic importance of this singer during the Second World War in England, Vera Lynn had a unexpected revival success in the year he worked on the release of The Wall between mid-1977 and early 1978 with the re-release of some of her albums

Vera Lynn receiving a gold record award from EMI in 1978.

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« How did the song selection for the 1987 tour come about ? »

It became apparent quite early on that the band would pursue its ambition to play the last album released as the Floyd had done since 1973.  However, the existence of 'The Final Cut' was problematic for the new version of the Floyd.

David Gilmour:

«Quand nous avons préparé la tournée de A Momentary Lapse Of Reason en 87, nous avons fait des listes de tous les différentes solutions possibles, nous avons réfléchi sur la manière dont Pink Floyd faisait jusqu’alors ses shows, c’est-à-dire, une première partie consacrée au nouvel album et la deuxième partie dédiée à l’opus précédent. Il se trouve que le disque précédent à l’époque était «The Final Cut», qui n’avait pas été une expérience très agréable dans ma vie.  Il ne me semblait pas très approprié de jouer ce disque, qui est plus selon moi un album de Roger Waters que de Pink Floyd. Nous ne voulions pas non plus faire une deuxième partie sur «The Wall», ni sur «Animais» qui avait dix ans, ni sur «Wish You Were Here» qui en avait douze ! Cela n’avait pas de sens. Nous avons finalement joué une partie des anciennes et des nouvelles chansons. Vous ne pouvez pas imaginer le temps que nous passons à cogiter là-dessus »

«Pink Floyd - Le mur et le miroir», Compact, March 2000.

David Gilmour:

« As Roger had totally taken over lyric writing, it’s impossible to do a Pink Floyd set without his name on it, but we’re doing everything I sang originally »

« A different Pink Floyd », Pacific Stars and stripes, 23 October 1987

The choice within the back catalog was then made on the basis of a combination of several criteria:

Barrett-era: The lack of popularity of these titles for a younger and wider audience worked against the inclusion of the 1967-1968 titles. 

Nick Mason:

«I love (Syd Barrett's) Astronomy Dominé. The trouble is you're right back into the I Ching and interstellar exploration. I think that's something Dave would have some problem with as he approaches dignified middle age, shrieking out this information to the audience»

«Repent, Pink Floyd idolators!», Musician Magazine, August 1988.

Pre-Dark Side era: The catalog from this era was examined, but only two songs (from Meddle) were selected: One of these Days and Echoes. These two songs, which are favourite tracks of the drummer and guitarist, have the distinction of being spectacular and opening each set. However, the track Echoes was dropped rather quickly.

Nick Mason:

«There's something about a lot of the earlier material that's just a bit *too* early, that feels dated. Echoes is something a lot of people would like to hear, that we did rehearse and did play for a while. But I think Dave didn't really feel comfortable singing about albatrosses and sunshine. It was just a bit to sort of...hmmm....hmmm»»

«Repent, Pink Floyd idolators!», Musician Magazine, August 1988.

« Dark Side » era: This is the main album after « A Momentary Lapse of Reason » chosen in the tracklist. Because of its popularity with the band and the audience, it forms the backbone of the second set.  The presence of Money and Us and them also justifies the presence of the saxophonist. A full performance of the album was also envisaged by the band:

Nick Mason:

«(It) wasn't satisfactory when you're moving from city to city to do that because it's not a broad enough view of our work. People would have been disappointed to miss out on stuff from The Wall and Wish You Were Here, and it didn't feel right to switch back. But I still like it as an idea for the future»

«Repent, Pink Floyd idolators!», Musician Magazine, August 1988.

« Animals » era: The fact no title of « Animals » were chosen appears astonishing. Gilmour explained  his position for an contemporary interview:

Nick Mason:

«Sheep came closest to inclusion because I had a lot to do with making it ocme out the way it came out and I feel quite proud of it. But Roger sang it and I don't think I could sing it with the same particular venom. And we could do three other great songs »

« Repent, Pink Floyd idolators!», Musician Magazine, August 1988.

Consideration of visual aspects and credits

David Gilmour

«Nous avons établi la liste de tous nos morceaux, depuis le premier album. Puis, titre après titre, nous avons énuméré les raisons pour lesquelles il nous fallait le jouer ou non. Par exemple, était-ce un morceau que je chantais, que j’avais co-écrit ou que Rick avait co-écrit. Ou encore: avions)nous un extrait du film susceptible de l’illustrer ? »

«Seconde jeunesse pour le Floyd»,  Guitare & Claviers, September 1987.

Typical set list for the 1987-1988 tour in Gilmour's handwriting.

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Article echoing Columbia's press release about the tour.

« Were there any plans to tour to promote the Final Cut album in 1983 ? »

This idea was put on the table at the request of the American label Columbia, which in March 1983 indicated that the band was planning to tour the USA. However, the deterioration of relations within the band, coupled with Roger's desire to record his solo album, put an end to the idea. However, at the urging of the label, the band was offered a TV project (see this page for more details) and a one-off show at the end of the year in London

Peter Asher (beau-frère de Roger Waters):

«They were plans for the group to get together for the last time for some shows in London at Christmas. But they have now been scrapped »

«Waters leaves Floyd washed up», Unknow, November 1983.

Fake: Ce à quoi aurait pu ressembler Pink Floyd sur scène en 1983 (montage de Romain FOURAY)


« We did have a plan to try: it was all costed out - managers and people went away and told us where we could do it and what we could do it and what we could do and how much money we could make ... but Roger ... said "forget it!" ».

« Bricks in the Wall », Karl Dallas, 1994



« We were never going to tour anyway. We might have done one gig for a TV simulcast. But i got involved with « The Pros & Cons of Hitch-Hiking »».

« Bricks in the Wall », Karl Dallas, 1994


Interviewer : « Y aura-t-il des concerts après la sortie de l’album ? »

Waters : « Je n’en sais rien. En tout cas plus « The Wall ». J’ai du mal à supporter cette simple idée. Mais on ne sait jamais. Nous n’en serons pas certains avant quelques années, et alors nous saurons si la machinerie est rouillée. Si tu n’as pas revu « The Wall » d’ici cinq ans, alors tu ne le verras plus – tout aura été volé ou rouillé, le carton sera détrempé. Je n’ai pas envie de le refaire mais je suis heureux d’y avoir participé ».

« La solution finale », Rock’n Folk, April 1983. 

« Smash Hits », 17 February 1983.

« Record Mirror », 12 February 1983.

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« Dave Gilmour or David Gilmore ? »

There has been a problem for years with the spelling of David's name, which oscillates between Gilmour (his real name) and Gilmore. This is due to an original error by the band's management, as the guitarist himself attests in a letter to his parents at the time of his involvement with the band

Lettre de David Gilmour à ses parents au mois de février 1968

It is true that David was advertised under this name in the music press of the time, especially the two main newspapers, Record Mirror and Melody Maker. This spelling was in fact later used in the rest of the European press!

« Melody Maker », 27 January 1968

« Record Mirror », 27 January 1968

« Arbeiderbladet », 2 March 1968

« Rock and Folk », February 1968

Plus étonnant, il n’y eu pas de correction officielle avant un long moment comme le montre cet extrait de la newsletter du fan club officiel du groupe du mois d ami 1968 sur laquelle une correction fut effectuée in-extremis!

Newsletter du fan club datant du mois de mai 1968

But in the end, not everything was solved, because another spelling came into use: David Gilmore. A spelling that was to be found even in official credits:

Credits at the beginning of the film « More » (1969)

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Concerning the nickname Dave …

David Gilmour:

« I’ve never liked it and I've never used it. Some people seem to think that I've changed it. But you can't find a Pink Floyd record, going back to 1968, where I've ever used Dave.

Ilove the name David. I hate the name Dave. I don't feel like a Dave »

« David Gilmour, Pink FLoyd guitar hearo, 59 », Q Magazine, March 2015

« Were any songs from 'The Final Cut' album played by Pink Floyd, Gilmour or Waters ? »

David Gilmour, as part of the new line-up in 1987, or later as a solo artist, has always indicated that he was not interested in playing songs from this album. Roger Waters has played some songs on his solo tours.

  • The Post War Dream Never played in concert
  • Your Possible Pasts Never played in concert
  • One of the Few Never played in concert
  • The Hero's Return Never played in concert
  • The Gunner's Dream Played by Roger Waters during « Pros & Cons » tour in 1984 and 1985, for the first dates of « The Dark Side of the Moon Live » tour (2006) and during « Us + Them » in 2018
  • Paranoid Eyes Never played in concert
  • Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert Played by Roger Waters during « In the Flesh » in 1999 and 2000.
  • The Fletcher Memorial Home Played by Roger Waters during « In the Flesh » in 1999 and 2000, during the « Dark Side » tour in 2006 and 2007.
  • Southampton Dock Played by Roger Waters during « In the Flesh » in 1999 and 2000 and during « The Dark Side of the Moon Live » tour in 2006 et 2007.
  • The Final Cut Never played in concert
  • Not Now John Played during « K.A.O.S. On the Road » tour in 1987.
  • Two Suns in the Sunset Played as encore during « Us + Them » tour in 2018 and 2022 and during « It’s not a drill tour »

Roger Waters and his Bleeding Hearts band playing Not Now John in Novembre 1987 at Quebec City.

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"Where does the name of the visual studio "Hipgnosis" come from?"

There are several anecdotes about the name. It comes from a graffiti found on the door of the studio (maybe written by Syd). On the meaning, Storm gave this explanation in 1978:

Storm Thorgerson:

« (The name) comes form a nice sense of contradiction, of an impossible co-existence, from Hip: new, cool and groovy and Gnostic: relating to ancient learning ».

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« In the Pompeii video, during the footage shot in the Abbey Road canteen, we see Roger talking about a problem with the last record released (so in 1972). What exactly is he talking about ? »

It's about a pressing problem with the 'Obscured by Clouds' album (first edition) that caused some sort of oversight (a 'sibling') on some tracks (including Wots ... uh the deal?). The band says that this impacted the quality and therefore the sales of the record

8 July 1972, « Melody Maker »

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« Is it true that Jenny Spires, the famous groupie who gravitated towards the rock stars in the late 1960s and early 1970s, revealed some information about the band's private life ? »

Yes, in her 1971 book "Groupie", Syd's girlfriend described, under assumed names, what went on behind the scenes and particularly Wright's seductive attitudes.

Rick Wright:

«We are the Satin Odyssey, Syd’s troubles are all explained and Andrew King of Blackhill is Nigel Bishop. It is really about Family who are called Relation in the book. She is a good girl Jenny» 

«Pink Floyd' The mad scientists of this age», Grapevine, 16 January 1972

First edition of the book

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« Is it true that when the band reformed with Roger Waters for the Live 8 concert, they considered asking Syd Barrett to join them on stage ? »

That's right, although it was only mentioned quickly by the members without any action being taken

Roger Waters

« We have played with the idea of asking him for Live8, but that did not appear feasible. There is also all kind of reproaches... His family has looked for a scapegoat for what has happened to him - understandably – and in their eyes we are the ones »

« They offered US 150 Million Dollar for a world Tour, but I’m not in the mood », Humo, 4 October 2005.

Rosemary Been (Syd Barrett’s sister)

«   I saw him this morning and told him the news, but he did not react. I don't think he would be interested in rejoining Pink Floyd. They'll have to do the concert without him. That is another life for him, another world in another time. He is not Syd anymore, he is Roger »

« Live 8 », Cambridge Evening News, 15 June 2005.

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« Was Paul Mc Cartney to appear on « The Dark Side of the Moon » album ? »

Yes, Paul who was recording « Red Rose Speeedway » next door at EMI studios was asked like many others to appear on the album. But he was not selected.

Roger Waters

« He was the only person who found it necessary to play a character, which was unnecessary, of course. I thought it was really interesting that he was doing it, but he was trying to be funny, which was not what we wanted at all.»

Cited in «10 choses que vous ne saviez pas sur Dark Side of the Moon», Rolling Stone, April 2023

No offense; The Waters (Roger and Carolyne) were invited to an exhibition about Linda’s work 10 years later

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